
Thursday, January 17, 2008


The Interactive Disassembler, more commonly known as simply IDA, is a commercial disassembler widely used for reverse engineering. It supports a variety of executable formats for different processors and operating systems. It also can be used as a debugger for Windows PE, Mac OS X Mach-O, and Linux ELF executables.
Read more for download link

Although IDA performs a large degree of automatic code analysis to a certain extent, leveraging cross-references between code sections, knowledge of parameters of API calls, and other information, it is focused on being interactive. A typical IDA user will begin with an automatically generated disassembly listing and then rename, annotate, or otherwise add information to the listing, until it becomes clear what it does, creating an effective reverse-engineering.

Created as a shareware application by Ilfak Guilfanov, it was later turned into a commercial product by DataRescue, a Belgian company, who currently maintains and supports an improved version called IDA Pro.

Ilfak is the main author of IDA (Interactive Disassembler Pro).

Key Features

Windows and Linux Disassembler

* disassembler modules for a large number of processors. Our free SDK even allows you to roll your own custom disassembler.
* full interactivity and extendability
o direct, through keyboard interaction.
o through an internal programming language.
o through external plugins (unlimited power: our debugger is a plugin).
* as close as possible to the high level source code
o flirt technology (fast library identification and recognition technology).
o type system and parameter tracking and identification
* code graphing

Download Here (Version 5.1)